Welcome to The Good Alum - where we explore what motivates black alumni to be active within their college communities.
Many times black alumni are scrutinized about their involvement with their schools post graduation, but in reality, many alumni have found creative ways to be active outside of financial giving. We asked each Good Alum the same five questions. These questions are asked to view patterns and similarities across different age groups and schools.

Maurice is a 2014 Graduate of Florida A&M University where he majored in Accounting.
If you could recreate your college years into a movie, what would be the title and plot?
I would name the film "Beyond the Hill's Horizon" because my time on campus prepared me for everything beyond my own imagination. It incubated my talents and nurtured my character, solidifying me before going out into the world. From studying abroad twice to participating in political marches and learning lesser-known history, my college years pushed my horizon considerably.
Do you feel welcomed in alumni groups and events?
I do, specifically because classmates from my generation are participating and the older alum are inviting.
What do you think is the biggest barrier that hinders alumni and why?
I believe the biggest barrier to alumni involvement is the lack of imagination on how to give back and the lack of innovation to facilitate that support. If you have a specialized skill, network or talent...are you, as an alum, able to contribute in an easy and streamlined way? My experience has shown me that some HBCUs only think of alum support through a dollar or Career Fair lens -- which shortchanges the real talent in the pipeline.
If money and time were not an issue, what are three things you would give back to your school?
I would sponsor several new academic programs, professional exchanges and give more of my time to interact with students directly.
Did your experience as a student affect how you engage with your school as an alumni?
My experience greatly influences my post-graduation involvement -- because I was active on campus, I know a number of my classmates who are involved across the country -- which is a positive motivator. Being in SGA as a student also made me very aware of the various opportunities and challenges that are/were present for the university, making me more interested than most in getting/staying involved.
If you would like to connect with our Good Alum Maurice, follow his on social media!
IG: aktion_jaksun